Goree Day & Night Cream
Goree Day & Night Cream

Goree Day & Night Cream

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Goree Day & Night Cream
Availability: We only Deliver in Pakistan,Dc Rs 150 (COD Available) Free Delivery on Rs 5,000 & Above orders. Confusion while placing order? Whatsapp us 03005669959
Part Number: 102189780989
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Lycopene, malva sylvestris entract, primula veris extract, alchemila vulgaris extract.


Goree white radiance night cream whitens and nourishes your skin at night.

Vitamin B3 provides cellular energy for skin to enhance skin renewal process.Due to presence of lycopene it is non poisonous,non irritative with best anti oxident properties so it keeps the skin moisturise,white and healthy.It can be used on any skin type i.e, normal skin,sensitive skin,pigmented skin.It just not only whitens the skin but also gives it pinkish,shiny and teenage look.It helps in regeneration of new cells and gives the skin glossy effect.

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